Friday, April 30, 2010

My God is mighty to save.

First of all, let me just say that we have an incredible God. Above all else, I just want everyone to know how amazing He is! Let me also tell you a little trait that I learned about Him...He is an 11th hour God! And thinking back on popular Bible stories, it's true that He was the same then as He is now. He may not spare us pain and hardship all the time, but He certainly comes in and saves us!!! I cannot stop singing the song, "My God is mighty to save" by Hillsong. It's so true.

So you might be wondering what I am talking about...well...I AM PREGNANT! Nate and I found out by taking a test last night (and another test...and another test...) and then we confirmed it with a blood test today! My numbers look great -- and I am officially pregnant!

What floors me is this...this was our last month of fertility treatments. Next step was adoption. And goal was to talk to the adoption agency and lay out all of our plans for adoption. Well, the phone calls were inexplicably staticy and I couldn't hear a word the adoption agency was was frustrating...but I was reminded by God, in that moment, that even if adoption is not working out, that we prayed for HIS WILL to be done, and it WILL be done.

So, I finished the afternoon with ZERO accomplished in the adoption planning...and just gave it up to God. And then...what do you know...took a test and it was positive! God is amazing. Have I already said that?!?! :)

Without this journey...we would not know that we really desire to adopt. Just because we are having a child of our own, that desire is still deep within us. We still plan on adopting in the future -- and that is not something we would have known without the process of infertility.

So...right now...we are praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby. I already find myself praying for the baby -- that God keeps him/her safe. And I really don't doubt that He will. The next blood test is on Monday -- and it will further confirm that my levels are rising, as they should.

But so far so good!!!!! :)

Thanks everyone for the prayers!!!!! I really, really mean it!


Kathy said...

awesome!! so excited for you Amber!

Truly Blessed said...

I can't stop smiling for you both. God truly is amazing, especially seeing the journey you both went through to get to this incredible point. It's amazing to now look back on it all and realize that every little obstacle or piece of good news was another step He was laying down for you both before you could move forward. His timing is great! Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy...I already can't wait to meet the little one(s). ;-)

Nicole G. said...

Hooray! Congratulations. A long road...makes it that much sweeter.

Rusty Bailes said...

Congratulations!!!! My heart is overjoyed for you!! Tears flow down my cheeks as I read your post and imagine what you must be feeling right now. Oh do I remember the excitement of a positive test after waiting so long. We couldn't be more excited for both of you. We will continue to pray as your journey continues. I look forward to lots of exciting updates!! ~Kim