Monday, April 19, 2010

IUI3 [the final one] & other notable events

First thing this morning, I want to just give God glory for His perfect timing, His perfect will, and His unending love for us! He and I frequently battled over the last 17 months, but in the process, He refined my heart. And I am so thankful for that! I needed it...badly.

Well, yesterday Nate and I woke up at 4am and drove to Jacksonville for our 7am appointment to do the last IUI (#3). On Friday evening, I gave myself the HCG shot and we insisted to our doctor that we wait at least 36 hours before we do the IUI. I felt like our doctor was timing it wrong and was missing my brief ovulation window; so, we become advocates for our own health and decided, as our last try, to do it OUR timing. This will leave no question marks or "what ifs" for the future. We tried clomid, we tried femara, we tried natural, we tried IUIs, we tried the doctor's timing (twice), and we tried our timing (once), so that left no stone unturned.

Because it was a Sunday morning, the on-call doctor performed the IUI. I found him to be very personable, and he made it a great experience; except, it was much more painful than the past IUIs. I don't know why that is...but I am still feeling a bit of discomfort from it. I'm not complaining, it just makes me curious as to why it never hurt in the past.

So all in all, I'm glad we stuck it out and finished this month strong. We will know the outcome in approximately 14 days...but either way, we are excited, because God is totally in control! And these days, I'm finding that completely exciting!! Whatever happens is His will...isn't that cool?

If the test is negative and this month is a failure (although not really a failure), then we will start the home study in May to begin the adoption process. This is also something that excites me. Even if we are pregnant, for our next try at parenthood, we would like to adopt. I believe God has laid this on both of our hearts for a very big reason. And I do not want to forget or ignore that calling.

In other news, Nate is starting his new job today! New jobs can be scary to walk into, so I am praying for peace for him today and that it is a smooth transition. I know he is excited and nervous all at the same time! We have big changes coming -- it is all very exciting!

1 comment:

The Goenners said...

Ambs, you two are going to be great parents. So many parents don't deserve their children. The Weinert children are blessed!