Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, here I am at 13 weeks. I used to think 13 weeks seemed so far away (especially since we found out we were pregnant BEFORE 4 weeks), but now I realize that it really does go by quicker than you think it will.

Some milestones:

-Things have gotten much better in the last few weeks. I keep the majority of my food down (yay!), except for the random, inexplicable, and completely unnecessary food-rejection that my body does.

-I am back to taking my allergy pill. According to all of my doctors, claritin is A-OK to take during pregnancy. As much as I'd prefer not to take ANYTHING, I just could not handle it anymore. I'm clearly allergic to pet dander, so having two dogs was not working out well for me and baby.

-I finally look pregnant to me, although most probably just think I'm a little chunkier than normal (I'll post a pic below).

-This week, baby can make sounds, suck his/her thumb, and when my belly is poked, he/she will respond by squinting or moving. The movement is what really excites me. For the first time, I feel like the pregnancy is interactive. Although I cannot feel baby move yet, it's nice knowing that when I poke my belly, it responds.

-Nate and I think we've chosen a boy name and a girl name. We like both. It is very exciting!! But for now, we're keeping them on the down low. ;)

My next OB appointment is July 15th, but it will not include an ultrasound (much to my dismay). We will hear the heartbeat, and just do a general check-up. Four weeks from that (August 12th), we should find out the gender at my 18.5 week (almost 19 week) appointment. It seems like an eternity away!!!

Until then...

(13 weeks pregnant)

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