Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And these are a few of my favorite things

Not whiskers on kittens or brown paper packages tied up with string; but rather, these are a few of my favorite things:

-Days that Nate and I realize we have NOTHING to do...it feels like the world is ours and we set out to conquer it (p.s. I think we have only had one of these days since we have been married).

-Chatting with Nate at nighttime when we are trying to fall asleep. Sometimes it reminds me of being a kid and having a sleepover, and being so excited to talk that you just cannot sleep (p.p.s. this only happens on the weekends, because weekdays leave us exhausted).

-Laughing so hard my stomach or jaw hurts (or both!).

-Putting the Christmas tree up, because it looks so beautiful.

-Taking the Christmas tree down, because you finally get your living room back.

-Every now and then, stopping to realize that I forgot what it feels like to be sick (flu, cold, sinuses, allergies, etc.). This is a rare and wonderful experience.

-Nate playing with my hair. This is certain to make me fall asleep in 10 minutes or less (ok, less).

-Playing games with friends and/or family. Board games. Of all kinds.

-Waking up to the alarm at 6:15 AM but not feeling sleepy. This has only happened once. I am putting it on this list in hopes that it will not become a one-time event.

-Feeling legitimately proud of my husband. One of the purest feelings of joy in this world is sitting back with complete pride while watching my husband in his day-to-day life.

-The inseperable love of God. Did you know that nothing we do will change His love for us? Nothing. "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my convenant of peace be removed." - Isaiah 54:10.

-Being happily married. No fake smiles or fake responses...legitimate happiness in marriage. It is hard work, but we happily work hard at it. And marriage is cool. Bottom line.

-Dancing/singing in the car. This can happen with or without someone else; although, it tends to be less embarrassing WITH someone else. :)
-Car photos. Enough said.

-My tv shows: The Office and 24. Awww, nothing compares to the feeling of throwing yourself into the laughter or into the drama of these amazing tv shows. I am sorry if I speak about them like they are my babies...but they are wonderful...wonderful, wonderful bliss.


Amy Fitz said...

you are funny. :) I LOVE that you LOVE being married. I am so happy for you!!! I love you. ~Amy

Mandy Smith said...

"Being happily married. No fake smiles or fake responses...legitimate happiness in marriage. It is hard work, but we happily work hard at it. And marriage is cool. Bottom line."

I am with you. I am SO with you!