Friday, February 4, 2011

Much-needed update.

Well, most of you have heard the news by now. Ford Edward Wienert was born on January 6, 2011 at 7:56 in the morning. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. To put it simply: he was perfect.

Things did not go off without a hitch. Unfortunately, Nate and I were both unable to experience Ford's birth due to some complications with the epidural. The epidural did not properly take, so they put me under, and therefore would not allow Nate to come into the room. Nate first met Ford after his cord was cut, and he was cleaned up. I first met Ford in the recovery room, about 30 minutes after his birth. Nate and I are both dealing with some bitterness towards the birth experience, but we continually remind ourselves that God blessed us with a healthy (and handsome!) baby boy. I had to have a planned c-section because the day before Ford's birth, an ultrasound determined that he was NOT in position, like the doctor assumed, but that he was in a frank breech position (bottom down, legs & head up). This explained all of the back pain I had in the week leading up to his birth.

I am a bit thankful, however, that the morning of the c-section, I went into labor (on my own). So, I had the opportunity to experience real contractions for 3-4 hours before the c-section. I know it sounds silly to be thankful for PAIN (and a lot of pain), but I'm glad that God let me experience what it would have felt like to go through labor (at least a little bit).

Ford's birth was exactly 4 weeks and 1 day ago and I can honestly say that yesterday was the first day that I felt remotely back to "normal." (Whatever normal is now.) The c-section definitely took its toll on me. I lived in sweatpants for a total of 27 days, while the incision healed. Finally, I am able to put on a pair of jeans and button them! Hallelujah!!

Ford has been the easy part of the process. He is not the easiest baby in the world, but compared to the recovery process, he is not the part that made things difficult. He is a good baby. He is a bit fussy and gassy, but with help from gas drops and cutting back on dairy, things seem to be a little better. He sleeps amazingly at night, also! Lately, he has been giving Nate and myself 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. He is a good kid. I thank God for him EVERY day.

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