Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well, here we are...less than 5 weeks to go until Ford's due date (4 weeks & 5 days, but who is keeping track???). I have had an incredibly easy pregnancy, compared to some of the stories I hear from other women, so I feel very blessed. But these last few weeks have been quite tough. Ford is a rather healthy boy (ok, he's big!), and just simply carrying him around takes so much energy!...not to mention, I cannot even bend over without getting sick/getting a stomach ache. So, shoes are out of the question.

At my last doctor appointment, they suggested packing my hospital bag and finishing his room, in case he comes earlier than his January 9th due date. So today, I plan on packing that bag, and putting the finishing touches on his room (which is almost finished thanks to Nate hanging all of his pictures over the weekend). It is feeling so "real" to Nate and me that we will soon be parents of a newborn! I do not think I can do anything to really prepare, but I am definitely praying FREQUENTLY for peace, patience, love, joy, etc. for the first few weeks after his birth.

The doctor is also concerned that I may have gestational diabetes (due to Ford's size), so tomorrow I have to re-take the glucose tolerance test (which all pregnant women just LOVE). I am praying that I pass it -- and that Ford is just simply big, which I truly believe is the case.

Other than baby and Christmas preparations, life is quiet for us, which is glorious. Nate's job is really falling into place and he really enjoys it. And I feel thankful to be able to spend these last few weeks at home, just preparing and resting-up for Ford.

In case I do not follow up before, I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and remembers that the reason we celebrate is because we have a God who loved us enough to send His Son. It can be so easy to forget in the chaos of the holidays.

Merry Christmas!

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