Friday, August 14, 2009


This morning I read a quote by Tedd Trip (author of Shepherding a Child's Heart). In regards to children, he said, "It is not the question: if he (she) will worship, but who he (she) will worship."

I do not consider myself a very deep-thinker, so when I hear a quote or see a picture that stops me in my tracks, I have to conclude that God is trying to teach me something. This quote rocked my brain while contemplating it and I started thinking about it in different contexts.

At each moment, if we are not worshiping God (in our actions, words, thoughts, attitudes, or even by literally worshiping to music, etc) then we are worshiping someone (or something) else. And I have to admit that usually that something (someone) else is myself. I, by nature, am a selfish person. I like to blame it on being the baby of the family, raised mostly as an "only child" (as my sisters were grown and out of the house by the time I was 10). I spent a lot of time alone, being in control of my own atmosphere. Throughout any given day, the following thoughts frequently flow through my mind:

- "That's not fair to me."
- "Why am I not being rewarded?"
- "What about me?"
- "I don't have the time for that."
- "Do I look okay?"
- "I am fat."

How sick does it sound for me to say that I think I am a self-worshiper? Pretty sick! God created me to worship Him and instead He sits back and waits while I, first worship myself, and then "when the time is right," turn my focus to Him.

I sat here for a while trying to think of a convenient way to sum up this blog...maybe a conclusion I reached that somehow fixes my self-worshiping problem. A "lightbulb moment" (thanks Oprah), if you will. But the reality is that I am just a work in progress. All I can do is put it in His hands, live in His grace and take each moment as an opportunity to serve our Creator.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

thanks for sharing Amber. I have often been convicted of being too self centered too and appreciate your thoughts!
=) Kathy